Tuesday, December 4, 2007

J Roddy

The men of 1100 N. Greensboro had our collective faces rocked off last week by none other than J Roddy Walston and the Business. I am very hesitant to put a show at the top of my list, but this was the best I have ever seen. That spot had been held for nearly three years by Kasabian on their first US tour. This show kicked every other show's ass. And mine. Starting from the second I walked in the door, it was a great night. I am not 21 yet, so when we walked in at the same time as J Rod and Steve the Drummer, I begged Steve to talk to the doorman. He was more than willing, and while it wasn't necessary, being good guys will never hurt you in my book. After a fair to good set by the WhaleWatchers (who could stand to lose a guitarist, but not the bassist's corncob pipe), J Roddy played the most electric set I have ever seen. There were less than 100 people there, but there was as much energy as any show I have been at with thousands.

In other news, my two other college football teams had fairly good weekends. Pitt beat WVU in the Backyard Brawl, which was satisfactory, and Hawaii made a very nice comeback to beat Washington early Sunday morning. And finish undefeated.

Then the final BCS standings came out, and they weren't playing for a championship. This is ludicrous. Hawaii has done everything their schedule has asked them to do. They are the only team without a loss in 2007. They have won a Colorado Rockies-like 22 of 23 since stumbling out of the gates last year. They have beaten every team put before them. Norris argues that they didn't play anybody. The truth is that nobody would play them. If my facts are straight, Michigan St. and USC pulled out of games with Hawaii. Because they were scared. And the schedule argument goes out the window this year. Michigan went into the final month of the season with BCS hopes after that debacle with App.

The first week in January is supposed to separate the cream of the crop. Instead, we leave out Missouri, whose only losses are to one of the best teams in the nation. In their place, we get Illinois, Kansas, and Georgia. That's right -- numbers 3, 8, and 13 in the polls, and two of them couldn't even win their division. I understand that they aren't playing for the national championship game, but that's because we know they aren't the best around. We don't know that for sure about Hawaii.

College football is the only place where this is acceptable. Nobody went to the Chicago Cubs this year and said 'You only finished 4 games above .500 this year even though you got to play half of your schedule against teams under .500.'

When a playoff is suggested, one of the rebuttals is that the regular season is like a 13 week playoff. The people suggesting this are often BCS backers, but for some reason they fail to see that the only team that has emerged unscathed from their prolonged playoff is the Warriors of Hawaii. And come on, wouldn't it be a lot more fun to argue for the next month about whether or not Hawaii can do it against big bad Ohio St. than to break down some match-up everybody outside of Ohio and Louisiana will forget about by Groundhog's Day? Isn't that what college football needs?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Hey New England,

Fuck you.

Lots of exams and stuff the next two weeks, and I'm stupid busy. Blogging will commence shortly thereafter.
