Monday, November 12, 2007

Fantasy Basketball Sucks.

I mean, really. The last 6 guys to move in free agency in my leaguewere Jason Kapono, Linas Kleiza, Carlos Delfino, Kelenna Azubuike, and Keith Bogans. Those guys wouldn't win a pickup game at Woollen. Nothing says excitement like waking up in the morning to check the old fantasy basketball score just to see "Oh HELL yes, Delfino's got a great matchup against the Warriors!"
I'm just not seein' it.

With fantasy football you get a week to analyze the matchups, talk shit, and legitimately ask yourself if Marshawn Lynch will be able to hold up against that stout Vikings D. Baseball gives a chance for the stat-heads to do their thing. Fantasy Nascar and golf is cool for dads, I guess. And I refuse to acknowledge the NHL unless the Hurricanes are in the Stanley Cup (in which case I'm the biggest damn bandwagon fan you'll ever see).

But fantasy basketball is worthless. I'd much rather bet on which NBA star will be the next person to be arrested outside of a strip club (come onnnn Smush Parker!), or what freak injury will happen next to Grant Hill. Who will be the first to implode on his team this year, Stephen Jackson or Ricky Davis? Things like these make the NBA fun to watch, not worrying about whether or not Reggie Evans shot 40% from the field.

Actually, I'm just fucking jealous since I'm last in my league. Fuck this.


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