Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sorry about the layoff

R.I.P -- Jiri Tsluty's Career
We took a few days off. I know -- we weren't even a week in and we couldn't make a post for 3 days, we're big jerks. I'm sorry. NoNo also volunteers himself for whatever punishment you deem necessary.

It's just that this week couldn't have been any shittier sports-wise. Did you know that Barry Bonds got indicted? Did you know that A-Fraud agreed to the outline of a new contract? Did you know that OJ Simpson got indicted? Jesus Christ already ESPN. 3 hours dedicated to 1/600 of the players in MLB. Everybody out west
wonders why there is an East-Coast bias -- this is what happens when ESPN has Thursday night games in Arizona and there is nothing to show until 9:00 at night.

Starbury is back on the bench after Isiah was able to destroy whatever evidence Stephon had against him. I'm guessing that he had pictures of Thomas and Jiri Tslusty together from Jiri's 16th birthday party at Michael Jackson's house. I really gotta say I love the blackmail. This is at least the second instance this fall that has taken sports back about 50 years. The other was the report that JP Losman was on the bench for a few games early in the year because Ralph Wilson wouldn't be able to pay him if he reached the incentives in his contract. These days, I thought sports were pretty stable in general, even if there were a few whackos. I think it is slowly being proven that there are few normal people in sports, and those that are don't stick around in high profile positions for very long.

Well, party at our house tonight...stop by if you want. NoNo and I will be reading from Wurthering Heights. We might even invite you into the special room. I'm serious. R

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