Sunday, November 11, 2007

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Wes Welker on the World Wide Web

Hi there.

This is our first foray into the world of blogging, so we'll see how this goes. We're three college dudes living in Carrboro, NC. It's basically a tiny little communist hippie town in the middle of North Carolina, complete with about 12 burrito places, free farmers' markets, free mass transportation, and a general disdain for personal hygiene. Most importantly, it's the neighbor town to Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina, where we're students. Right in the middle of ACC country, we're privy to some pretty great live basketball, football (getting there, anyway), and women's field hockey (hooray!). Most of our time is spent in our TV room either drinking, watching sports, or on a real crazy night, drinking AND watching sports.

So, I know what you're thinking - Is that Wes Welker? What in the fuck does that mean? Well, the idea struck Russell and I while we were watching the Celtics lay some rapes in a preseason game when they showed a crowd shot. Junior Seau was pretty easy to recognize, but the average looking white guy next to him? Eh, not so much. Turns out it was everyone's favorite white wide receiver, Wes Welker! Then it occurred to us - would any sports fan really be able to pick this guy out walking down the street? He's awesome, but he's a pretty average guy, just like us. A deeper meaning, bitches.

We've got a location and a title - now who the hell is writing these things?

First up is Russell. He's from Pittsburgh and always wears a backwards hat. If Big Ben and Sidney Crosby somehow had a baby, I'm pretty sure he'd go gay for it. He's also the resident cook, and the current champion of the Red Lobster Neverending Shrimp Eating Contest (tm).

Robert is the house advertising guru and resident emo kid. He likes Joy Division, dark rimmed glasses, and cheap wine from Trader Joe's (but then, who doesn't?). I'm pretty sure he's the one that came up with the "Cabana Boy" nickname for David Carr, so for that we can be eternally grateful.

And I'm Stephen, but I'm going to go by the sweet blog name NoNo. It makes me sound like a fucking badass. I'm a physics major and generally have a pretty dorky outlook on things. If my life were a sitcom, it'd be like that Big Bang Theory show, only without that stupidly hot blonde chick. I also took Utah State to the promised land on NCAA 2008 on Heisman mode. Let's see you assholes do that.

And that's that. Stay tuned for some Pulitzer-worthy sports posts. And perhaps other things, if they're awesome enough.


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